Mindmap view for Projects and Todos
Russell Curry
Such fusion/consolidation/convergence—in this case of a single app that can manage both the hard quantitative data and the qualitative connection metrics is just part of a larger trend as digitalization (through AI and more...) intensifies.
So what was once done by multiple separate apps (CRM, Project Management, Bookkeeping/Accounting, etc) can now be done by a single app that has solid management of quantitative data and the reformatting (rows and columns, mind map, kanban, (and more..) of the qualitative data relationships) is now, more and more being done/needs to be able to be done by a single digital solution/app.
Creating computer apps and a whole lot of other human endeavors* is tough and getting tougher in this AI driven world.
It would be nice to here from the Daylite/iOSExpert folks on this and other matters on a more regular timelines...
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Russell Curry
This need has only intensified over the past 2 years. I'll add not just projects and ToDos/tasks, but also opportunities. So a more fluid drill in to the details and open up to the broader/bigger picture (via kanban, mindmaps or more graphical charting capabilities (xmind.com) that track both the quantative data (financial and more...) as well as the qualitative data's contextual relationships is not only appreciated, but needed.
Such might require an modernization of the underlying database structure (from the old pyramid-hierarchy structure used to manage project ~ opportunity ~ task ~ appointments ~ notes, etc. to something more capable.
Such fusion/consolidation/convergence—in this case of a single app that can manage both the hard quantitative data and the qualitative connection metrics is just part of a larger trend as digitalization (through AI and more...) intensifies.
So what was once done by multiple separate apps (CRM, Project Management, Bookkeeping/Accounting, etc) can now be done by a single app that has solid management of quantitative data and the reformatting (rows and columns, mind map, kanban, (and more..) of the qualitative data relationships) is now, more and more being done/needs to be able to be done by a single digital solution/app.
Such is the state of the competition in today's AI driven world.
Creating computer apps and a whole lot of other human endeavors* is tough and getting tougher in this AI driven world.
* This need has only intensified over the past 2 years. I'll add not just projects and ToDos/tasks, but also opportunities. So a more fluid drill in to the details and open up to the broader/bigger picture (via kanban, mindmaps or more graphical charting capabilities (xmind.com) that track both the quantitive data (financial and more...) as well as the qualitative data's contextual relationships is not only appreciated, but needed.
Such might require an modernization of the underlying database structure (from the old pyramid-hierarchy structure used to manage project ~ opportunity ~ task ~ appointments ~ notes, etc. to something more capable.
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Juliette ALBIAC
😁 Keep me posted!
Timothy Kulp
Indeed. Database use is moving into graphical databases. See, e.g., Neo4j. I agree.